Công Ty Tư Vấn, Đào Tạo Nhân Sự & Quản Trị Doanh Nghiệp > Projects > SADECO


In order to help the company orient its objectives and actions according to the vision and planned strategy which can help the Board of Directors to develop detailed and specific strategies for each employee, Sadeco has trustfully invited BrainMark to be a consulting partner for the company.

Services BranMark has provided:

  • Consulting to build BSC – KPI
  • Consulting to build 3P compensation

 After the consultation, BrainMark also received positive feedback from Sadeco because of enthusiastic sharing of the practical experiences BrainMark has accumulated over many years. The project gradually help Sadeco solve outstanding difficulties, barriers before implementation and help it have more better understanding of BSC – KPI, and 3P compensation system

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