BrainMark > Consulting services > Consulting Brand Strategy

Consulting Brand Strategy



Brand is a great intangible asset in each company. In order to have strong brand name with customer high recognition level requires company the same level of investment and development thinking. Brand isn’t merely a name to call but it is also your customer feeling or product awareness of of your company in customer mind in the market. Therefore, your company must take a great care of brand identity system, if not, your customer feelings when using your compnay products will be fading over time

Consulting BRAND STRATEGY-20

BrainMark provides creative solutions for brand development from brand naming to building brand development strategy sustainably

BrainMark brand consulting services include:

  1. Brand naming
  2. Brand identity system designing
  3. Brand vision consulting
  4. Brand positioning or repositioning
  5. Taking survey of customer brand satisfaction level
  6. Brand structure
  7. Brand communication strategies

How BrainMark does:

  • BrainMark will strictly coordinate with your company to design product logo, designing brand identity system, then designing programs of internal and external communication
  • BrainMark will analyze markets, target audience, planning, brand designing, brand positioning or reposioning, brand strategy selecting, brand advertising, brand value evaluating…
  • BrainMark plays as an primary coordinator in brand project, being responsible for planning, customer & market research, logo building, brand management, reporting BOD and training employees

Your company can temporarilyhires BrainMark employees according to project contract signed between botth companies


BrainMark Consulting & Training

596 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., Ward 3, District 3, HCMC, Viet Nam

Hotline: 0909 363 363


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