BrainMark > Projects > Thuan Phat Hung

Thuan Phat Hung

As a leading supplier of chemical additives in the paper industry, Thuan Phat Hung operates throughout Vietnam with more than 150 chemical products. In addition, Thuan Phat Hung also offers more than 50 types of laboratory measurement equipment for quality control of paper and paper powder

Consulting services BranMark has provided:

  • Building BSC – KPI
  • Building 3P compensation
  • Building organizational culture
  • Buidling company development strategy
  • Building competency evaluation system

Through the project, BrainMark has solved the outstanding difficulties, and pressure that Thuan Phat Hung BODs encountered on the way of its business development. With BrainMark’s experienced specialists, we already brought Thuan Phat Hung a great satisfaction with services provided

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