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Communication Strategy Consulting


Communication Strategy

Your product is unique, perfect in quality, competitive in price but what if no one knows of it?

BrainMark creates innovative strategies and transforms them into reality through unique media campaigns. We put this content on the mass media and measure it through the statistics

In times of rapid economic growth and the increasingly intense competition, communication is an indispensable method in the development of corporate brand. In addition to providing products tailored to the needs of customers, businesses need strategic approach and brand communication to target customers.

To evaluate an communication strategy whether it is effective or not, and with maximum cost savings, needs a combination of tools, a well-planned, and highly qualified, professional and experienced team.

Contents BrainMark provide in communication services


  • Analyze the business fields it operates in
  • Study consumer behaviour
  • Types of media accepted
  • Communication results from competitors
  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of enterprises


  • Determine the target market
  • Determine the timing and cost of media investment in each market
  • Design of communication content
  • Develop a detailed communication plan
  • Public relations, television, newspapers
  • Crisis handling


  • Effective monitoring & periodical reporting
  • Budgetary implementation reporting and certificate granting

BrainMark is a leading company in communication strategy consultancy field in Vietnam, your company only take care of the production, finance, BrainMark will take care of the market, communication. Please contact us for for more information


BrainMark Consulting & Training

596 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hotline: 0909 363 363


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