BrainMark > Projects > BIC Viet Nam

BIC Viet Nam

In order to capture market information and approach new marketing solutions in the development of their projects. BIC Vietnam cooperated with BrainMark Consulting & Training in the program: Teamwork skills.


Attending the program are more than 30 managers, staff and partners of BIC. Integrated in the program, trainers give casetudies for trainees: Locating projects for BIC, setting strategy on price, sales strategy, communication plan … BIC company has the opportunity to analyze brand positioning, strategies and plans to deploy their marketing activities

With the dedicated and intimate sharing, the trainers and trainees took turns to analyze the issues that Vietnam BIC encountered: How to recruit Sales staff? How to set up and manage real estate trading floor? Cooperating with marketing in setting up sales targets and deploying sales effectively.

The program has created a dynamic atmosphere and engaging the spirit of working for BIC staff.

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