BrainMark > Projects > C.I.T 999 Plastics

C.I.T 999 Plastics

Chan Thuan Thanh Engineering and Trading Plastic Co., Ltd (C.T.T. 999) was established in 1993 specializing in manufacturing and trading industrial plastic products, household plastic, PET plastic. C.T.T 999 is a large-scale enterprise in the field of plastics. Its customers are multinational corporations like Unilever, BP Castrol, Total, Shell, Crayola, Wipro Unza, …

Services BranMark has provided:

  • Building organizational structure
  • Building job description
  • Building BSC – KPI system
  • Building competency evaluation system
  • Building management system
  • Consulting business development
  • Consulting marketing strategy
  • Training Digital Marketing tools

Through the project, BrainMark has solved the outstanding difficulties, and pressure that C.T.T 999 BODs and its marketing department encountered on the way of its brand development. With BrainMark’s experienced specialists, we already brought C.T.T 999 a great satisfaction with services provided

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