BrainMark > Projects > FDC


FDC Construction Investment Joint Stock Company is known as one of the prestige companies in the field of construction with a variety of products from the commercial center projects, luxury apartments to infrastructure projects, office buildings, modern factories. With the aim of improving team capacity and increasing work efficiency, FDC has developed a BSC – KPI assessment system under the guidance of BrainMark.

In the process of consulting BSC – KPI for FDC,

BrainMark has implemented the following:

  • Reviewing organizational structure
  • Building job description for each job title
  • Building BSC – KPI system
  • Building personal KPI bank
  • Training how to implement BSC – KPI
  • Evaluating and granting certificates for completing BSC – KPI

At present, FDC has completed the building of BSC – KPI, and is successfully applying KPI system in order to evaluate the efficiency of work, helping employees to work more effectively and actively.

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