Công Ty Tư Vấn, Đào Tạo Nhân Sự & Quản Trị Doanh Nghiệp > Projects > Nippon Paint

Nippon Paint

Telemarketing is considered as an important tool in business. Through this tool, the product message is more focused, reducing waste due to improper interaction with potential customers, collecting information, collecting feedbacks, generating sales, or telesales opportunities. Telemarketing in every stage of market volatility is always a powerful tool for salespeople to reach their potential customers.

BrainMark has completed training program: Telesales skills and Telemarketing skills enhancement for Nippon Vietnam’s professional sales team.

Training services BranMark has provided:

  • Telemarketing techniques:

How does phone affect communication?

Orienting and controlling phonecalls;

Skills to obtain more sales opportunities;

Identifying customer wants and needs;

Developing relationship and transaction handling process;

Confidently communicating in helping customers;

Closing the deals

  • Call handling skills

Effectively controlling phonecalls in order to manage call duration and quantity of calls;

Minimizing call backs;

Building sales database

Predicting rejection in sales call and how to persuade customers

Many of Nippon’s messages were thoroughly researched and put into practice at the training program with fake situations between trainers and trainees. Guiding the principles and skills of professional application before practicing the call, sharing, adjustment of how each participant handles the situation in a call made the trainees really focused and excited. With a lot of situations, trainees played in different roles in a call, sometimes playing a customer, sometimes a partner, or a salesperson … the training program has really brought new experiences for trainees.

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