BrainMark > Projects > Vua Tam Tay

Vua Tam Tay

VUA TAM TAY MARKETING CONSULTING AND SERVICE COMPANY LIMITED is a real estate investment and development company located in East HCMC and neighboring areas. Real estate is a very particular industry in which many real estate agents and brokers simultaneously play two roles: an advertiser, and also a customer seeker – normal jobs originally belong to Digital Marketing. Therefore, this is the source of many problems and difficulties that real estate brokers are facing recently. In order to develop the business, VUA TAY HAM MARKETING CONSULTING AND SERVICE COM., LTD has invited BrainMark to organize the skills training program for the brokerage staffs at the company.

Services BranMark has provided:

  • Sales skills
  • Deal closing skills
  • Digital Marketing

The program was ended successful because of the knowledge, practical situations and successful selling tips shared  BrainMark’s experienced real estate trainers.

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