BrainMark > Projects > VINH HOAN COMPANY


Vinh Hoan Corporation is the leading Pangasius processing and export company in Vietnam. Vinh Hoan is a large scale company in the export industry in Vietnam with the total capacity of up to 250 tons of raw fish per day. The company’s products are eligible to export many countries in the world including the US and EU countries – the most fastidious market in this industry from overseas markets and gradually become the trustworthy brand in Vietnam and overseas.

BrainMark consulting services provide:

  • Organization Culture Consulting;
  • Marketing Strategy Consulting.


When implementing the project, BrainMark is honored to be the consulting business trusted by Vinh Hoan and selected to continue consulting for companies having shares of Vinh Hoan’s Board of Directors. The project promises a genuine innovation, professionalism and strong development.

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