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Business culture Training at LIX Detergent Joint Stock Company

Business culture Training at LIX Detergent Joint Stock Company

On December 19, 2018, BrainMark had a successful training program for more than 40 senior managers of LIX Detergent Joint Stock Company with the topic “Corporate Culture”.

After nearly 50 years of continuous innovation and development, LIX Detergent Joint Stock Company has become familiar to domestic and foreign consumers. Lixco has been asserted itself with the strategy of sustainable development, always improving, creating and finding new directions for the company to grow. Accompanying with long-term goals LIX is aiming at, it is the professional in the management system as well as creating a professional working environment for employees who are working at the company.

Business culture is the soul of the business, the beauty, the “gene” of each enterprise. Business culture determines the success or failure of business in the long term.

The training is a part of the business culture consulting project lasting nearly 4 months, the project successfully closed and promised a new working environment for LIX with their own standards; and the unique beauty will be preserved and promoted by LIX.

-BrainMark team-


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