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Consulting Organizational restructure in Long Thanh Group

Consulting Organizational restructure in Long Thanh Group

Long Thanh Group is one of the largest corporations in Vietnam operating in the golf course business, real estate, resort … Currently, Long Thanh has many subsidiaries with many big projects such as Long Thanh golf course, KN Cam Ranh golf course, Thuy Duong Resort, luxury real estate projects in Ho Chi Minh City, …

BrainMark is very pleased to be selected by Long Thanh Group to carry out the consulting project

Consulting services BranMark has provided:

  • Management system building
  • BSC – KPI system building
  • Organizational culture building
  • 3P compensation building
  • Competency evaluation system building

With our great experience and ability, together with a massive team of experts, BrainMark is asserting that it is the best partner in consulting and training for employees of Long Thanh Group, providing the latest methods and knowledge on management in the world that companies, large corporations are applying to achieve the most effective objectives

Below are some pictures of consulting & training sessions:


-BrainMark Team-

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