BrainMark > News & event > Consulting to build BSC – KPI system in Thuan Hai JSC

Consulting to build BSC – KPI system in Thuan Hai JSC

Consulting to build BSC – KPI system in Thuan Hai JSC

Thuan Hai Joint Stock Company is a leading provider of energy solutions in Vietnam. With experience in building, operating the boiler system and supplying fuels, Thuan Hai is very successful and prosperous in its business

With future multi-sectoral development plans, Thuan Hai is gradually rebuilding its management system with the support of BrainMark Consulting & Training.

The following consulting services BrainMark has provided to Thuan Hai include:

  • Building BSC – KPI
  • Building organizational structure

In the coming time, Thuan Hai Joint Stock Company is gradually expanding and improving the team capacity, firmly building the foundation for faster and stronger growth in the future.

-BrainMark Team-

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