BrainMark > News & event > Annual Operating Plan Consulting – AOP at Anh Khue Saigon

Annual Operating Plan Consulting – AOP at Anh Khue Saigon

Annual Operating Plan Consulting – AOP at Anh Khue Saigon


Continuing a new project of the AOP season, October 22, 2018 BrainMark launches a new AOP consulting project for British Khue Saigon.

With more than 70 stores and 300 agents throughout the country, Anh Khue Co., Ltd is the only official distributor of CASIO watches in Vietnam.

To start the project, BrainMark launches AOP training for more than 50 staff of British Khue Saigon. From the training session, we will continue to consult and instruct OGSM for each department of the Company in details so that each department can create a plan consistent with the BOD goals. In addition, to have a perfect plan, BrainMark will guide the Company to set up appropriate evaluation criteria and estimation methods and action plans.

-BrainMark team-

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