BrainMark > News & event > Communication in the 4.0 industrial revolution Training at Saigon Co.op

Communication in the 4.0 industrial revolution Training at Saigon Co.op

Communication in the 4.0 industrial revolution Training at Saigon Co.op


Accompanying with Saigon Co.op in 2018 with many programs, BrainMark continues to successfully organize 4 training courses for Saigon Co.op on 29th September, 06th October, 10th October, 27th October with the subject “Communication in the 4.0 industrial revolution”.

Owning the largest retail supermarket system in Vietnam, Saigon Co.op is one of the most popular retailers in Vietnam.

Accompanying Saigon Co.op in many programs, with the training session “New communication solutions in the 4.0 era” by BrainMark this time achieved much success and received the satisfaction of the students. The program brings practical meaning to create confidence to overcome barriers when assigning work for students. 

-BrainMark team-


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