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Consulting and training BSC – KPI building at Paltal

Consulting and training BSC – KPI building at Paltal

On August 29, 2018, BrainMark Company continued to have a consultancy project on building BSC system – KPI for more than 40 employees who are managers and leaders of Paltal Company.

Thời trang PALTAL, thương hiệu chủ lực của Công ty Dệt may Nguyên Dung_Doanh nghiệp có hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm trong ngành thời trang với các sản phẩm chủ lực là đồ nội y, thời trang mặc nhà và áo khoác.

Through the consulting & training programs, PALTAL has been increasingly professional in management and production, increased business efficiency, enough to compete with well-known brands in the country and internationally.

-BrainMark team-

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