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Consulting Annual Operating Plan – AOP at FICO Corporation

Consulting Annual Operating Plan

AOP at FICO Corporation

On 03/10/2018, BrainMark is proud of  being the consultant for FICO Construction Corporation. We had a meeting to  introduce  our  method of implementing and establishing, as well as evaluating Annual Operating Plan (AOP) for Board of Directors of the Corporation and member companies.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ben – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fico Corporation said the opening ceremony

Fico was formerly a  Construction Materials Corporation No. 1 under the Ministry of Construction. Fico’s main business is to manufacture and trade construction materials, exploit minerals, invest in real estate business with total annual revenue of about VND 5000 billion.

Mr. Ho Dinh Thuan – General Director of Fico Corporation

Annual Operating plan is considered as the foundation for all activities of the company in the year. It is a significant tool for the company’s development. The program is the first activity of BrainMark’s annual AOP Design Planning Project for Fico Corporation and its subsidiaries.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan – Deputy General Director of BrainMark shared about AOP

With more than 3 hours of work, through BrainMark’s sharing and contributions from the Board of Directors, the program was successful beyond expectations with more than 90% of members agreed for implementation.

Not only is AOP implemented at the Corporation, BrainMark will continue to implement AOP for Fico member companies, the project promises a whole new Fico with the growth in revenue and professionalism in the work governance of the whole Group.


-BrainMark team-



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