BrainMark > News & event > Consuting competency evaluation at Long Thanh Group

Consuting competency evaluation at Long Thanh Group

Consuting competency evaluation

at Long Thanh Group

On August 23rd, 2018, BrainMark Company had a meeting with the management of Long Thanh Group to carry out the project of consulting competency evaluation.

Long Thanh Group is one of the largest corporations in Vietnam operating in the golf course business, real estate, resort … Currently, Long Thanh has many subsidiaries with many big projects such as Long Thanh golf course, KN Cam Ranh golf course, Thuy Duong Resort, luxury real estate projects in Ho Chi Minh City, …

In order to help Long Thanh Group to effectively use these methods in this project, BrainMark will continue to provide advanced training sessions and consultancy to help Long Thanh Group implement effectively these methods. , achieving the goals expected by the Board of Directors.

-BrainMark team-



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