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Training skills of building Company image at Gamuda Land Company

Training skills of building Company image at Gamuda Land Company

In real estate brokerage, image building is the first job most companies are interested in. Because having a specific brand in real estate will help customers shape the work company do and easily find your company everywhere when internet is available.

When understanding the necessity of this skill, Gamuda Land JSC has invited BrainMark to launch a series of training programs: skills of building Company image in work for Company management

Through the training sessions, BrainMark’s experienced experts has shared many useful knowledge as well as practical experiences to trainees and partly answersed the questions and difficult situations that brokers were encountering

The training program ended successfully with high satisfaction because of BrainMark professional knowledge shared by its experienced experts

SThe following are some pictures from the training session:

-BrainMark team-

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